Daysland | Viking ALBERTA


Our reputation is built on solid ground.

Careful Planning and Execution

Once you have designated a specific location for your dugout, we will work with you to ensure the site is cleared of large rocks and tree roots that could impede digging. Layout and dimensions of the dugout are marked and your project will become a reality with our qualified team as we work with you to ensure your dugout is stable and useable for years to come.

Proper drainage in fields will ensure the excess water can flow away after heavy rains or irrigation. Standing water can damage your crops and make soil overly saturated. We can provide you with adequate drainage, improving growing conditions for crops, prevent flooding and allow you to fully utilize your land for agricultural production.

Well maintained fields with good brush control and drainage systems in place lead to healthier crops, higher yields and more productive farmland overall.

  • brushing
  • mulching
  • trenching
  • drainage
  • gravel hauling

We can help you maximize your acreage… give us a call for any brushing or drainage, increasing your yields and making you more profitable.

Equipment Rentals

Send an email or text | call 780-336-0354 for more details on rentals

Pipeline Construction

Gravel Hauling

Bringing together diverse expertise and resources.

Positive growth…

Focusing on strengths and coordinating with others